ENTER my $60 CSN stores Giveaway. Ends August 26th! Low entries still!
Received the Lovely Blog Award from Young and Crafty. Thanks so much! I received this on my Crafty Mommy Diva blog award already, but not here yet =D.
The rules for this award are as follows:
- thank and link back to the person that gave you the award. (above)
- share 7 things about yourself. (below)
- pass the award to at least 4 fellow bloggers that inspire you. (below)
- let them know about the award.
- I hate sleeping with socks on and sometimes I leave my feet out of the covers on purpose.
- I love to read! Mostly all the LDS Romance books.
- I really need/want a Silhouette. Going to try to save up for one, but I'm really wishing that I'll win one from all the many blogs giving them away. Or Silhouette would contact me to review one! =D
- I love playing games, participating in contests and giveaways, and having/going to parties.
- Desperately need a date with my husband - I keep thinking about (A More Real) Love Story video. I love the ending; amazing how your fairy tale changes =D. Watch below:
- I was born in the Philippines and came to the U.S. when I was 3 - I'm still not a U.S. citizen.
- My husband and I are getting together blog design business together to help bring in more income since it's a little difficult to find a job in the Illustration field for him. Check out this blog header he created here. We took a class from April Showers. Hopefully by the New Year we'll be up and ready to go.
Thank you for everyone linking up.
I love looking at everyone's ideas and creativity. Here are this week's Friday Favorites. Can't wait to see what you have for tomorrow's Scrappy Saturday!
If you've been featured today or a previous week, Grab the I was Featured on Scrappy Gifts button!
I love these! I wish someone had made me one when I graduated.
She has several to share so check them all out!
Darling concept and great way to get to know each other at dinner
Cute decor with the subway art.
How innovative is this! Plus I bet it's a low cost way to change your fan.
I love circle layouts. Love all the details she put on this one bringing more pops of color.
Love the flowers and the diagonal layout for the 2nd one.

3 scrappy shares:
Thanks fo much for including my graduation board post in your Friday Favorites. You made my day!
Thanks so much for including me in your blog award, and thank you for the shout out of two of my favorite layouts on your Friday favorites.
You are such a sweetie!
Thank you so much for giving me this award! I wanted to let you know that I blogged about the award here:
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