So here are all the guesses about what is new about the site.....
- The Scrappy Society referring to my Blog Frog Community
- The price and winner's lists!
- 2 new sponsors
- products are sold in boutiques
- 3-column layout
- A new ad?
- A new header image?
- A new button?
- drop menu
- can take paypal
- twitter button or the link on your menu bar to your CMD blog
- website not blogspot
So Congrats to Stephanie J. and Janene P. for guessing correctly! Both of you will be receiving a prize. Janene, yours is already packed with the rest of your stuff - about to be shipped tomorrow. Stephanie J.- Please e-mail me at ScrappyDiva2129 at yahoo dot com or I will contact you through FB.
There are a couple New things ON the site as of this week:
- Newer Button - square instead of rectangle (but I don't like it as much so changes are still in the process with that. So don't grab a new button quite yet.)
- Social Network Icons - top right sidebar
- 2 new Sponsors - Take a Mom's Word for It and Amanda's 31 Blog
- Basic Pricing on left sidebar
- Menu Bar above header - not many notice it because that's where blogger navigation usually is - check out though please! I'm trying to figure out how to move it. The lady who made it said that's how she makes them to be there....
- The Scrappy Society, my Blog Frog Community - home of fabulous online crops! Next one is July 16th- July 20th. Let me know if you'd like to be a sponsor or offer a prize!
- Products being sold locally at Brittany Rae's Boutique
- 3 column layout
- header image (I did change it once, but it confused people thinking that it was a menu bar on it)
- taking PayPal

1 scrappy shares:
Yay! Thanks so much Maryanne! I would think that a website will give you a lot more options than a blog! Good luck with figuring it out!
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