Don't forget a prize will go to someone who can guess what's new about my site. If more than one person guess correctly then I'll randomly draw a winner. You can make up to 3 guesses. I'll announce the winner later on this evening. Have fun searching =D
Leave a comment on this post with your guesses or on my FB Fan Page.
Thank you for everyone linking up. I love looking at everyone's ideas and creativity. Here are this week's Friday Favorites. Can't wait to see what you have for tomorrow's Scrappy Saturday!
If you've been featured today or a previous week, Grab the I was Featured on Scrappy Gifts button!

What an adorable gift - love the clip idea!
Ultra Cute like Ultrasound =D
What a great way to capture favorite photos and fun things you did in the past year.
Love the little quote she added at the bottom.
I could see families creating a family logo with a big group of pictures.
Adorable for a child's room!

Photo Frame - love the sepia photos and the ribboned embellishments
Photo Box (very similar to the ones I make) - she even has a link to her tutorial for them!
Scrapbook Star - love the colors and that she left some brown of the star showing through

1 scrappy shares:
Thanks for featuring my photo collage! I was a bit hesistant to link it up at first, but decided it did count as digi scrapping on the wall☺
I love those little clip boards!
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